
#8: Sigur Ros - Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust

#8: Sigur Ros - Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust

As a long time Sigur Ros fan, this long-titled album was one of the most anticipated of the year for me. After I heard the first single "Gobbledigook," I knew this album was going to be one of their best to date. It has always been their strange creativity that has gained them such an immense cult following.

This album features more of the same appealing sound that Sigur Ros has offered in the past. This time around, though, there seems to exist more maturity and cohesion within the band. Perhaps this is due to the change in their recording process. This album was the first time they recorded outside of Iceland and featured the first time they "played by the rules" by recording, releasing, and touring all within the same year.

Posted byLogan Lenz at 23:41  


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