
#18: TV on the Radio - Dear Science,

#18: TV on the Radio - Dear Science

To me, TV on the Radio has always been one of those "do no wrong" bands. In a sense, they are almost identical to a Radiohead - a band that could shit into a package and sell millions. There is just something about TV on the Radio that is so mysterious, and so stimulating at the same time. There is no question that they are different. They look different, sound different, and act very strangely. This is why they are so appealing to me.

Dear Science, their 2008 release, may not be their best effort, but it is still TV on the Radio. During tracks like "Family Tree" and "Halfway Home," dancing is deemed mandatory and singing along is very hard to dismiss. While no song on the album lives up to old classics like "Staring at the Sun" and "King Eternal," the collection of tunes are still very well-packaged and synergistic toward the end goal.

I wouldn't be surprised to find out how many of you have failed to pick up on TV on the Radio yet. Their underground success has been hidden just as much as their identities have. After having a chance to see them live a few years ago, my intrigue and admiration for them has escalated, as I think yours would to.

Posted byLogan Lenz at 14:00  


Anonymous said... December 8, 2008 at 3:10 PM  

TV On The Radio live was one of the all time best shows I've ever been to. You're right: they can do no wrong.

Chris G. said... December 8, 2008 at 11:22 PM  

Very good and very talented, but not my type. I like #19 & #20 better. Looking forward to what we got tomorrow!

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