
#1: Mika - Life in Cartoon Motion

#1: Mika - Life in Cartoon Motion

After a long and tedious 25 day countdown, The Music Mastermind has finally revealed its #1 album of 2007. Mika’s Life in Cartoon Motion has taken home the honor of releasing nothing short of utter magnificence. Mika, a young and new British songwriter, possesses the absolute best lead vocal that I have heard since Freddy Mercury of Queen. The resemblances between the two are uncanny. Mika even makes light of this in the opening track and first single “Grace Kelly.”

Surprisingly, aside from “Grace Kelly,” Mika didn’t see much radio and MTV promotion. Over the year, however, Mika’s music was licensed on a countless number of TV shows and independent radio. The only problem with that, however, is that Mika’s name was never glorified as much as it should have been. The artist was able to release the most diverse, playful, emotional, and talent-filled record of the year without many people noticing.

Tracks like “Lollipop," “Any Other World," and “My Interpretation" are only a small percentage of the complete diversity that Life in Cartoon Motion offers. Remarkably, every song has something unique to offer. Also, somehow, Mika created themes and premises for each song, giving every single track a degree of importance. No matter who you are, you should be able to find a song that you can relate to, or at least understand completely.

Twenty-five days later, the “25 Days of Music” countdown is complete. As I mentioned before, 2007 presented a ton of great new music; some of which were new bands, while some were great artists that have continued their reign. The Music Mastermind wraps up this year’s countdown, and anticipates the potential that 2008 currently holds. Subscribe and stay posted to the “Music Mastermind Blog” to remain in the music industry loop, and hear up and coming artists. Until December 1, 2008, this is the Music Mastermind signing out of the first edition of the “25 Days of Music” countdown.

Posted byLogan Lenz at 17:44  


Chris Hyde said... December 26, 2007 at 6:20 PM  

I totally agree. Mika's CD is incredible!!!

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